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Writer's pictureMadilynn Dale

Author Spotlight on Tiffany Terry

Tell our readers briefly about yourself.

Hi, I’m Tiffany but my friends call me TNT. I’m a mom, a stepmom, a wife, a daughter, a sister, and a friend. I manage a team of content developers, so I’m a communications manager by day and try to fit writing in as often as a I can. My purpose in life is to encourage girls and women to be nice, be good people, overcome obstacles, and kick some ass.

What books do you have available?

I have three children’s books and a young adult fantasy trilogy available called Sister Worlds.

Can you tell us about your most recent release?

Kingdom of Monsters is my third book in the Sister Worlds trilogy. It concludes the story for three young women who have been trying to protect their worlds from the men, machines, and monsters determined to destroy everything.

Do you stay in one genre when you write, or do you find yourself veering toward others?

I love all things magic and strong female characters, so I’ll probably stay within fantasy but break into subgenres. I have a Disney princess retelling idea, a mermaid idea, and an urban fantasy idea.

Are you a panster, planner, or someone in between?

I like to plan everything. My husband teases me about all my post-it notes. I have to write everything down in my personal life. I have an odd sense of enjoyment of making and checking off lists.

What is your writing routine like?

My daughters and I just moved in with my new husband and his daughters in March, right after I published my third novel, so my routine is all over the place. Ideally, I would finish my day job around 4, plot or write, have dinner with the kids, and then sit and write again until dinner. But now we run 4 kids around to activities, have a house and dogs to manage, and I’ve been single for so long, I’m just now learning how to spend time with a man who enjoys my attention. We are still trying to figure out our new normal as a blended family.

Tell me about your favorite character that you’ve created?

KaLeah in Kingdom of Men is my favorite because she represents my own personal journey. She and I healed and grew together as I wrote the story, and I hope other girls and young women can learn and grow with her.

Where do you get your ideas for world building?

A lot of ‘what if’ and conversations with like-minded friends. Also just sipping whiskey and talking to myself. The planets in my story are based on the question what would happen if a planet like Earth was split in half and one half developed technology and destroyed itself, while the other never advanced?

Do you add romance to your writing?

A little but I am super PG. My books are true young adult books, not new adult. I’m all about creating tension and feelings, but my focus is on my characters developing and accomplishing goals that don’t have anything to do with seeking romance.

What was your favorite scene to create?

I have two. One is kind of gut wrenching because we finally see how a dragon sorceress came to be. We see her backstory. And the other one is my final scene of the trilogy, tying all the young women together.

Where do you get character inspiration?

Definitely people around me. KaLeah is based on myself, like I mentioned, but also on my oldest daughter. Princess Amirra is based on my youngest daughter. Elektra, named for an aunt of mine who passed away as a child, is based on parts of me, but also influenced by women in my life who have struggled with their relationships with their mothers.

What genre do you prefer to read?

I don’t know where to start. I’m all over the place on genre.

Do you have any specific authors you follow and try to craft your work after?

None, ha-ha. I’m almost afraid to read things because I don’t want to be influenced. I know you’re supposed to read, but I also work full time, have four kids now, and barely have time to write. When I read, it’s usually personal development or research. I rarely get away to just enjoy reading, which is terrible. If I can get to the point where I can be a full time author, I’ll read more.

Do you have any recurring themes in your book?

Yes! Absolutely. My themes are all about creating family around you, sisterhood, supporting and lifting your friends and sisters up, and chasing your dreams. The villains are narcissistic personality types, and my characters have to learn how to value themselves.

Do you have a preferred drink or snack that you eat/drink while writing?


When is your favorite time of day to write and why?

Evening and into the night, even though my job requires me to be up early, so I can’t stay up as late as I’d like.

What is your favorite vacation spot?

As a poor single mom, I did not do much traveling. I’ve always just traveled to visit people in places I’ve lived. I’d love to go to Italy, Scotland, and hang out on some beaches in the tropics.

Marvel or DC? Do you have a favorite character?

Captain Marvel, of course. I also find Natasha’s character fascinating.

What hobbies do you have?

Writing has always been my hobby. Maybe someday it’ll be my job and I can get a real hobby.

What defines success for you as an author?

I did it! I wrote them and self-published them. All three novels are weirdly within a thousand words of each other too, so I thought that was a neat trick. Surely, I know what I’m doing, right?

What is your work space like?

I share an office with my husband in what I think used to be the formal dining room. I can watch my dogs and kids in the yard.

What advice would you share with new or aspiring authors?

I still have no idea what I’m doing, so I’d recommend taking advice from someone else.

Where can our readers find you?

You can get links to my books at!

Please include all book links, social media, and websites in the area below.

Thanks! -Madilynn Dale

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