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Creative Spotlight on Atucim Sanumar

Writer's picture: Madilynn DaleMadilynn Dale

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Tell our readers briefly about yourself.

My name is Ramunas Micuta. Originally I come from Lithuania. I'm married and have three kids. I started to write at the beginning of 2020, either because I was bored or whatever thing came over me. If I had to give one reason, I would say I wanted to brighten my life a little. I was in a sort of mood dump at the time. In essence, I never thought to become an author. I didn't plan to write a book tbh. I thought I will write a few adult short stories, post them on internet and hopefully will make a few coins in the process. I honestly had no idea what I was doing. :D I was posting weekly chapters on the free online websites for people to read. I was doing so more to get the feedback and to see if that would be something people would enjoy reading. Chapter by chapter and it started to look like a book because I would always write a continuation to the story. Little did I know I will create the most lovable character people will want to kick me in the nuts for what happened to her in the story, lol. And here I am now, with 5 books under my belt and writing the 6th one.

Can you tell us about your most recent release? Album? Song? Art piece? Etc.?

The most recent release is my 5th book in the Circle Star Adventure series and it is called The Birth of Onyx. It came out on 12th of December.

What inspires you?

video games, fantasy movies and anime. Yes, I still play video games and watch anime. I try to ignore the number of my calendar year, even if it's my birthday. :)

What is your creative work routine like? Do you balance it with another job?

I wake up earlier in the morning and go out to the coffee shop to write. :) I can't seem to focus at home, with my family around, needing this or that from time to time.

Do you plan out your creations? What is your process before you create?

I have an extremely vivid fantasy. I would always dream something in my head when not doing anything else. I travel to different worlds so to say and create adventure in my head. I don't plan my story so to say. I know what needs to happen in chunks and I just fill in the blanks on the spot when I write. It's like I am at a point A, and I know where, and what happens, at point B. So, I just have to fill in what happens in between, which sometimes is such a pain in ... Believe it or not, more often than not, that pain in ... comes out as a really awesome part of the story. :D

Do you have a self-care routine or want to have one? What do you do or wish that you did to take care of your mental health?

I would go out somewhere where is peace and quiet more often. I like quiet places. I wish there was a forest of some sort near where I live so I could go out for a walk now and then. I like nature. My head refreshes when I am out walking. That is also the time when best ideas come to my mind.

What is your favorite creation thus far?

I'd say the arc about the Demon Realm in my last book would be my favorite so far. It came out amazing. I knew what should happen but I had no idea how to build it. But when I started to write, the ideas just kept flowing and it came out better than I would've anticipated it would.

Do you have a character that is your favorite over others you've written into creation?

Yes, the main character :P Cause I write in first person and I get to 'see' and 'experience' everything he does. What a drag is to come back to my real world sometimes.

Are there any recurring themes in your work?

I'm not sure if I understand this question correctly. The 5 books I wrote are in the same series. So it's basically the same fantasy world for now.

What does success look like to you considering your creative passion?

My dream goal is to have my fantasy story be made into an anime series.

What is something your fans/readers/followers don’t know about you or something unique about yourself?

Well if I tell something they don't know about me then it won't be a secret, would it? And I like keeping secrets. :P But there's probably lots of people don't know about me. For example, all the new information I provided is something you didn't know. (yes, I'm being cheeky)

What advice would you share with new or aspiring authors/singers/artists/etc?

Keep going. There were so many times I didn't feel like writing. I had stopped at one point and didn't write for months. I'm glad I built up enough discipline to go out and write every day.

Where do you get your ideas for world building?

Mostly from video games I played or anime I watched.

What genre do you prefer to read?

Fantasy, but I'd rather watch a show or a movie instead. :P

What hobbies do you have?

I like exercising. I bake something now and then. Something different and keeps me away from my computer.

Do you have any outside experiences that influenced your work?

What is an outside experience? I'm not sure if I can answer this question without mentioning the same thing I wrote in the previous answers.

Where can our viewers/readers/listeners find you and your work?

My books are on amazon platform.


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