Tell our readers briefly about yourself.
I wasn’t always JP. The J is for Jo-Anne, but with so many ways of spelling it, I thought my initials would be easier author name. So far, it’s working out. I’ve written nine full-length novels in two separate series, one novella, and several short stories. During the twelve years I’ve been writing supernatural thrillers and urban fantasy, I’ve had the good fortune to receive multiple awards. I’m also a lapsed gardener, a scuba diver (partial to warm waters), and I cook dishes that turn out nothing like the photos in the recipe. I write, garden, and hide out on Denman Island.
Can you tell us about your most recent release? Album? Song? Art piece? Etc.?
Ghost Mark is the second book in the Dark Dreams Series. It came out November 2022
What inspires you?
Kindness, emotional strength, resilience
What is your creative work routine like? Do you balance it with another job?
I'm a full-time writer. A typical daily routine includes a minimum three-hours of creative writing, and an equal amount of time doing the related work of marketing, like designing graphics, writing ad copy, keeping up with social media, and answering interview questions.
Do you plan out your creations? What is your process before you create?
I'm definitely a planner, though sometimes the plan isn't as good as I thought it was going in. I normally have an outline that includes the beginning, the end, and a number of the critical turning points. However, some times, when I'm writing, I realize the outline isn't detailed enough, or isn't lining up with the direction the characters want to go.
Do you have a self-care routine or want to have one? What do you do or wish that you did to take care of your mental health?
Physical activity is critical to my ability to be creative. I've had bouts of back and neck pain related to sitting at a keyboard for too long. Those bouts prevented me from writing. I've learned how important core strength is, as well as cardio, and taking regular breaks. When my creativity is cut off, my mental health suffers. When I'm feeling stressed, I find talking with other writers I trust is a good release valve.
What is your favorite creation thus far?
Probably my "firsts" in the series. They represent my imagination at its best, when I'm setting out the characters and parameters of the story.
Do you have a character that is your favorite over others you've written into creation?
Emelynn Taylor, the heroine in the Gift Legacy series. Mainly because she can fly, which I'd love to be able to do, but also because she was the first character I brought to life.
Are there any recurring themes in your work?
Strong women, overcoming adversity, personal growth
What does success look like to you considering your creative passion?
Success is hearing from readers who've enjoyed the stories.
What is something your fans/readers/followers don’t know about you or something unique about yourself?
I get lost a lot. Can't follow a map to save my life. Thankfully, GPS came along and now I only occasionally get lost.
What advice would you share with new or aspiring authors/singers/artists/etc?
Just write. Don't wait for the whole story to come to you. Even if it's just one scene. That scene will prompt others.
Where do you get your ideas for world building?
My books are set in present day, west coast, North America, so the world building centres around supernatural elements. My ideas come from dreams, books and movies, unsolved mysteries, and an overly-active imagination.
What genre do you prefer to read?
Paranormal or supernatural thrillers
What hobbies do you have?
Reading, gardening, cooking, and scuba diving.
Do you have any outside experiences that influenced your work?
My work in human resources helped me understand motivation, which is critical to character development.
Where can our viewers/readers/listeners find you and your work?